Custom fields

Adding custom fields to your page

Updated over a week ago

Revv allows you to add custom fields to your pages. You can use these fields to gather extra data about your donors as well as pass through tracking information into hidden fields. You can manage all of your custom fields from within your organization's settings (Settings —> Custom Fields).

Adding a custom field from within Pagebuilder

1. Go to Pages and create a new Page by clicking on the green + button.

2. Click Custom fields.

3. Click on the green Create New Custom Field button add a new custom field. These fields will be written as Metadata to each donation.

4. Add or select a slug for your custom field. This slug is a unique identifier that allows you to reuse custom fields on different pages while still having the data written to a uniform column in reports. This slug value is written to donations and reports and can also be written to Stripe metadata. If you've already used a custom field before, you can select the existing slug from the dropdown.

5. Add a field label. This is what donors see when they fill out the field. Revv uses float labels to constantly display this field label, even while the donor is filling out the field.

6. Select the location of the field. This works by allowing you to add fields either before or after a particular section of your page. For example, if you select Before and Payment, Revv will add your custom field before the credit card field on the page.

7. Add a default value. This is helpful if you want to insert a predetermined value for the field, while still giving donors the option to edit it. You can also use default values to write predetermined values for hidden fields for writing tracking data to donations.

Note: To create multiple options for a Select Field, list the values desired and separate each with a comma and space. EX:

8. Check whether the field is required for the donor to process a donation.

9. Click Save.

Custom field types

  • Text field - This is a regular text field that allows all characters.

  • Number field - This text field only allows numbers to be entered.

  • Text area - This large text area allows donors to add longer comments.

  • Checkbox - This checkbox allows donors to accept a condition or disclaimer before donating. You can toggle whether this needs to be checked in order to process a donation.

  • Information - This is simply some helpful text you can add throughout your page.

  • Hidden - This is a field that can be set with a default value or be prefilled via URL that works just like a regular text field but is invisible to donors.

  • Select - This field type allows donors to choose from a dropdown list of options.

  • Multiple Choice - Presents donors with a number of options to choose from, with the ability to select more than one option if necessary.

  • Radio Buttons - Presents donors with a number of options to choose from but does not allow more than one option to be selected.

Note: You may add as many custom fields as you like to each page. On custom fields with radio buttons and multiple selections, you can auto-select using a simple method.

To auto-select, you need to follow this method: unique_url_parameter=1 (to select the first option in the list), unique_url_parameter=2 (to select the second option in the list), etc.

Pre-filling custom fields via URL

Using URL parameters to pre-fill custom fields is particularly helpful if you would like to write data to donations using hidden fields. To prefill a custom field, use the following syntax:

?[custom field slug]=PARAMETER

For example, if the custom field slug is "color", and you would like to track that a donation was "green", you would use the following syntax:


Learn more about managing your custom fields here.

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