Setting up your Revv organization

How to create a new Revv account for your organization

Updated over a week ago

Revv is free to use -- only pay for the donations you process through the platform. To get started with a new account, click here.

Follow the directions on the screen and let us know if you have any trouble. Below is some information on what is needed to register.

Create a User

Fill in your name and email, and enter a password for your account. Your password must be at least 8 characters and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special symbol.

Click Sign up.

Your user has been successfully created.

Create an Organization

To create an organization, enter your organization name. This name will appear on public-facing communications like receipts and donor profiles.

Select the organization type. This will set certain default settings for your organization. For example, if your organization is political, this will set a default maximum amount for your donations and add employer fields to your forms.

Enter your organization slug. This is the unique identifier for your organization. It also sets up default subdomain for your organization's landing pages. You can always customize your subdomain using your own domain later in your organization's settings.

Click create organization. Your organization has been set up and is awaiting approval.


Revv reviews all new organizations to make sure they are legitimate and that they comply with our terms of use. You can continue to get everything set up for your organization, but you will not be able to publish a live page until your organization has been approved by a member of Revv's team.

Connect Bank Account

Add your bank account to your organization. This is how contributions to your organization will be transferred to you.

Set up your custom subdomain (optional)

Revv will publish all of your landing pages at by default.

You can customize this so that your pages live on a subdomain of your own domain such as

For instructions on how to set up a custom subdomain, click here.

Publish a page

To accept payments, you'll need to publish a page. Revv hosts and secures all your landing pages for you. You can edit and build pages using the Pages tool.

Note that you can't publish a page until Revv has approved your account and Stripe is connected.

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